Assessing Fit of Nontraditional Assistive Technologies

There is a variety of brain-based interface methods which depend on measuring small changes in brain signals or properties. These methods have typically been used for nontraditional assistive technology applications. Non-traditional assistive technology is generally targeted for users with severe motor disabilities which may last long-term due to illness or injury or short-term due to situational disabilities. Control of a nontraditional assistive technology can vary widely across users depending upon many factors ranging from health to experience. Unfortunately, there is no systematic method for assessing usability of nontraditional assistive technologies to achieve the best control. The current methods to accommodate users through trial-and-error result in the loss of valuable time and resources as users sometimes have diminishing abilities or suffer from terminal illnesses. This work describes a methodology for objectively measuring an individual’s ability to control a specific nontraditional assistive technology, thus expediting the technology-fit process.

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