Nurse practitioner–mediated intervention for preoperative control of diabetes in elective surgery patients

PURPOSE This study evaluated the effect of nurse practitioner (NP) mediated interventions on diabetes control before elective surgery. DATA SOURCES A program was initiated to improve preoperative diabetes control in patients with HbA1c > 8%. The intervention was initially mediated by a physician alone and subsequently changed to involve NPs. The goal of intervention was fasting blood glucose (BG) <200 mg/dL on the day of surgery (DOS). Data were collected before the program (control group), during physician-mediated intervention (phase 1), and during NP-mediated intervention (phase 2). CONCLUSIONS There were 222 patients in the control group, 226 in phase 1, and 160 in phase 2. Mean BG (mg/dL) on DOS was 171.4 ± 66.5 in control group, 162.6 ± 58.1 in phase 1, and 153.4 ± 46.6 in phase 2 (p = NS for control vs. phase 1 and <0.01 for control vs. phase 2). More patients received an intervention in phase 2 (93%) than in phase 1 (75%). Among those receiving intervention, 87% achieved target BG in phase 2 and 82% in phase 1 (p = NS). Duration of diabetes, baseline HbA1c, time available before surgery, and diabetes intervention were independent predictors of achieving target BG. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE NP-mediated interventions increased access to care and resulted in lower BG levels and may be a good strategy for preoperative diabetes control.

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