Africa since 1800

1. Africa north of the equator 2. Africa south of the equator 3. The opening up of Africa I: from the north-east 4. The opening up of Africa II: from the Maghrib 5. West Africa before the colonial period 1800-75 6. Western Central Africa 7. Eastern Central Africa 8. Southern Africa 9. The partition of Africa on paper 1879-91 10. The partition of Africa on the ground 1891-1901 11. Colonial rule in Tropical Africa I: political and economic developments 1885-1914 12. Colonial rule in Tropical Africa II: social and religious developments 13. The inter-war period, 1918-38 14. North and North-East Africa 1900-39 15. South Africa 1902-39 16. The last years of colonial rule 17. The road to independence I: North and North-East Africa 18. The road to independence II: Africa from the Sahara to the Zambezi 19. The road to independence III: Central Africa 20. The long road to democracy in Southern Africa 21. The politics of independent Africa 22. Economics and society in independent Africa 23. Into the third millenium Epilogue Suggestions for further reading Index.