AbstractThecumulants and momentsof thelog of thenon-centralchi-squaredistribution are derived. For example, the expected log of a chi-squarerandomvariablewithvdegreesoffreedomislog2+ψ v2 . Applicationstomodelingprobabilitydistributionsarediscussed. 1 Introduction The Edgeworth and Cornish-Fisher expansions allow one to approximate thedensity, distribution, and quantile functions of probability distributions whosecumulants are known. It is often remarked that these expansions are inaccuratefor one-sided and highly skewed probability distributions. [2, 3]For example, consider a random variable which is the product of severalchi-square random variables. The k th raw moment of a chi-square randomvariable with vdegrees of freedom is 2 k Γ(k+v/2)/Γ(v/2). The raw momentsof the product of multiple independent chi-squares is simply the product ofthe moments. The moments can then be converted to the cumulants. Thecumulants arethen used in the Edgeworthexpansion to approximatethe density.For even a small number of factors, the Edgeworth expansion is inaccurate,sometimes yielding negative estimates, as illustrated in Figure 1.
C. Walck.
Hand-book on statistical distributions for experimentalists
S.Blinnikov,et al.
Expansions for nearly Gaussian distributions
Stefan M. Moser.
Duality-based bounds on channel capacity
Victor Chernozhukov,et al.
Rearranging Edgeworth–Cornish–Fisher expansions
M. Abramowitz,et al.
Handbook of Mathematical Functions With Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables (National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series No. 55)