Cloud computing is a global established system. Quantum computing is hypothetical model which is still in tentative analysis. Cloud system has some weakness in security, processing, backup and vicinity. Somehow quantum computing illustrates some revolutionary solution to overcome cloud weakness. Most researchers are optimistic in quantum computing that it will improve cloud system. It is not easy to combine these two different systems along. We will show two quantum approaches; quantum cryptography and blind quantum computing to secure cloud computing. Quantum cryptography will secure the user data transmission and communication through cloud form hackers. And blind computing will secure the instant eavesdropping or accessing of data processing in cloud from any vicious cloud provider or third party. This paper’s major target is to show advantages and disadvantages of quantum computing in the viewpoint to integrate it with cloud system. Also review some current improvement of quantum computing and computer.
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Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing
Balinder Singh,et al.
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Rajkumar Buyya,et al.
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Ian Lumb,et al.
A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Computing Systems
2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC.
Harpreet Singh,et al.
The Quantum way of Cloud Computing
2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT).