Smart home automation with a unique door monitoring system for old age people using Python, OpenCV, Android and Raspberry pi

In this paper, smart home automation system particularly for old age people is proposed based on python, OpenCV, raspberry pi and android application. The appliances are controlled by the Raspberry pi server, which operates according to the user command (touch or voice) received from the mobile phone. A unique door monitoring system is designed based on face detection and recognition from a camera installed outside the main door, which can be accessed from the phone using android application. One interesting feature that has been added is that, all the appliances can also be controlled through the voice of user. For energy efficiency user can analyze the usage of each appliance from their phone. Moreover, user can also control the intensity of light as well as the speed of the fan. With all this features incorporated in a single system with good and simple user interface, this system is cost effective and perfect for old age people living alone in their houses.