Annoyance reactions from aircraft noise exposure

Abstract The report presents an investigation on annoyance due to aircraft noise exposure. Social surveys were conducted in 24 areas with well-defined noise exposure characteristics around 8 airports in Scandinavia. About 2900 interviews were performed. The results demonstrate that the extent of annoyance reactions in an exposed population is closely correlated to the noise level of single overflights. For areas exposed to a low number of take-offs the extent of “very annoyed” in the population is below 5% provided the noise levels do not exceed 90 dB(A). For areas exposed to a high number of take-offs an increase in the extent of “very annoyed” is found already when the noise level increases from 70 to 75 dB(A). The increase with noise levels up to 95 dB(A) is linear (correlation coefficient 0·99). The take-off overflight frequency or any other measure of the number of aircraft movements is of importance only for the classification into high and low take-off frequency areas. The threshold value for this differentiation was found to be between 36 and 63 take-off exposures/24 hours. After the classification into high or low take-off exposure areas the noise contours for the noisiest type of aircraft which is common on the airfield will provide the adequate criteria for the hygienic noise limit in each area around an airport. No correction needs to be made for the distribution of take-offs per 24 hours if the traffic pattern is comparable to that valid for the areas investigated here.