Safety in Medicine

Foreword - the NeTWork Seminar Series: past successes and future projects (Wilpert). Introduction (Vincent, de Mol). Approaches to safety (Fahlbruch, Wilpert). The concept of human error: is it useful for the design of safe systems in healthcare? (Rasmussen). Analysis of human errors in anaesthesia. Our methodological approach: from general observations to targeted studies in simulator (Nyssen). Critical incident reporting. Approaches in anaesthesiology (Staender et al.). A systems approach to medical error (Bogner). Clinical accident analysis: understanding the interactions between the task, individual, team and organisation (Taylor-Adams, Vincent). Adverse events in cardiac surgery: the role played by human and organisational factors (Carthey). Enhancing team performance (Marsch et al.). Organisational interfaces, risk potentials and quality losses in nursing: a multi-level approach (Bussing). Controlling the risks of mechanical heart valve failure using product life cycle based safety management (Cromheecke et al.). Early evaluation of new technologies: the case for mobile multimedia communications in emergency medicine (van den Anker, Lichtveld). Minimisation of risk in medical systems by system design for safety (Voges). Medical error and responsibility in managed healthcare (Baram). Approaching safety in healthcare: from medical errors to healthy organisations (Hale). Name index. Subject index.