Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems

Welcome to SenSys'06, the Fourth ACM International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems!.Since 2003, Sensys has been recognized as a high quality, single-track conference that presents systems work crossing the disciplines of sensing, networking, embedded processing, and applications. With the help of the program committee and authors we are happy to present 24 papers that represent what we believe is some of the strongest work in the field today.All paper reviews were double-blind, preserving both author and reviewer anonymity. Although not perfect, this system is the fairest approach we know of. As with two of the three prior SenSys conferences, we allowed paper submissions by the conference chairs. These papers were not considered for best paper, and we thank Anish Arora for serving as substitute co-chair for these papers.SenSys this year includes a best paper award, and, for the first time, a best talk award. Both will be announced at the conference.In addition to papers, the SenSys program includes a keynote talk, posters, and demonstrations. We are very happy to have David Carlson as keynote speaker. David directs the International Programme Office for the International Polar Year. We are looking forward to hearing more about the inspiring endeavor David is heading and about the challenges David sees for sensor networks in the cross-disciplinary context of polar research. Sensor network demonstrations have been a highlight of previous conferences. We thank Chieh Yih Wan and Jie Liu, the demo chairs, for selecting an exciting demo session. Posters are an important vehicle to showcase early work, and we thank Henry Tirri and Robert Szewczyk for their work there.