Effects of wastewater discharge on heavy metals pollution in Fadama soils in Kano City, Nigeria.
To present the results of a research project on 6 heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, and Cr) at 30 Fadama fields scattered around Kano.
Following a reconnaissance conducted, 30 representative Fadama lands being irrigated with wastewater were selected from zones of the city under residential, industrial, commercial, and mixed but largely residential landuses. Five additional Fadama lands not being irrigated with wastewater were selected to serve as control. Using grid sampling procedure, soil samples were selected from 0-15 cm and 20-30 cm depths and analyzed for the above listed heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. T-test was used to compare the mean values of the metals for the Fadama lands under different landuse zones with those of the control.
Analyses of the soil data collected showed that the metals were concentrated in higher amounts in the lower (20-30 cm) than the upper (0-15 cm) depths, which was an indication of downward movement of the metals in profile of the soils. In the two soil depths, Zn was generally the most abundant, followed by Cr, then Pb, Cu, and Cd while Hg was the least. The Fadama soils in areas of mixed landuses with industrial as the dominant ones maintained the highest concentrations of the various metals.
These results indicate clearly that the Fadama soils are significantly polluted by industrial and household wastewater and that there is a particular threat from Cr and Pb pollution. There is also evidence that the metals are accumulating at lower layers of the soil profile, suggesting that not only plants and soil, but even water bodies could be under the threat of heavy metal pollution in the area.