Dynamic characteristics analysis for oblique wing aircraft

The movement characteristics and control responses of oblique wing aircraft (OWA) are highly coupled between the lonitudinal and lateral-directional axis and presents obvious nonlinearity. This article investigates the dynamic modeling of an OWA, and analyzes its dynamic characteristics. The calculations and simulations show that, OWA can be trimmed by rolling a bank angle and deflecting the triaxial control surfaces in a coordinated way. The oblique wing greatly affects the longitudinal motion. The short-period mode is highly coupled between longitudinal and lateral motion, and the bank angle also occurs in the phugoid mode. However, the effects of oblique wing on the lateral mode shape are relatively small. For the inherent control characteristics, symmetric deflection of horizontal tail will generate not only longitudinal motions but also a large rolling rate. Rolling moment and pitching moment caused by the aileron deflection will reinforce the motion coupling, but the deflection of rudder has relatively little effect on longitudinal motion.