Thirty Fateful Days

No longer are we interventionists, isolationists, capitalists, laborers, Republicans, and Democrats, but 130,000,000 citizens of the United States, united in a grim determination to eliminate, once and for all time, the vile, loathsome, totalitarian philosophy that holds nothing sacred, but rather seeks to destroy civilization by deceit and treachery. There can and will be but one answer—total victory over the forces of evil." These words were written by your editor immediately following Pearl Harbor for the editorial page of chemical industries. In many respects they are equally applicable to the present international situation. The surprise attack on South Korea is stark and undisguised military aggression, very different from the political infiltration of Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and China. The challenge has been met by the United Nations, and once more Americans are fighting and dying in a foreign land in an attempt to maintain a free and peaceful world. Whether the present ...