Stereoselective total synthesis of reveromycin B and C19-epi-reveromycin B.

Our studies toward the total synthesis of the reveromycin family of natural products are described herein. Our synthetic approach is efficient, stereocontrolled, and convergent and has resulted in the first synthesis of reveromycin B (4) and C19-epi-reveromycin B (55). Key steps of this successful strategy include: a modified Negishi coupling (construction of C7-C8 bond) and a Kishi-Nozaki reaction (construction of C19-C20 bond), which were employed in the attachment of the target side chains. The key building blocks for the total synthesis were thus defined as vinyl iodide 6, alkyne 7, and alkyne 8. Our synthesis illustrates the utility of the modified Negishi coupling for the construction of complex dienes, confirms the proposed stereochemistry of reveromycins and paves the way for the preparation of designed analogues for biological study.