This article presents research which is investigating a method for monitoring and predicting the tyre-road friction coefficient. A specially instrumented car has been designed to carry out the work called DAGMAR (DArmstaedter Geraetetraeger zur Messung des Alctuellen Reibwerts). The following criteria are being investigated: 1) the correlation between tyre noise and friction. The influence of wetness and torque are both studied. The potential of noise measurement for friction detection is discussed; and 2) the correlation between tyre tread deformation and tyre/road friction. Brief details are provided of the experimental design and the results from each type of experiment. A model for forecasting the friction coefficient using these data is presented and discussed. The system is part of the work being carried out under PROMETHEUS and IMES programmes to design driver support systems, and automatic intelligent vehicle control. For the covering abstract see IRRD 869205.