하나로 냉각팬의 회전 블레이드 동역학 해석

The HANARO, a multi-purpose research reactor of a 30 MWth, open-tank-in pool type, has been under normal operation in the KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The heat which is generated by the nuclear fission in the HANARO is cooled through the 1st and the 2nd cooling system. The cooling tower enables the HANARO to operate normally as a consequence of the heat removal. Consequently, the temperature of the reactor pool is maintained constantly for the heat transfer between the 2nd coolant and atmospheric air through the cooling tower. The cooling tower is equipped with the cooling fan in order to move the air which absorbed in the heat through the 2nd coolant. Therefore, fan performance is very significant to operate the HANARO stably. In this paper, the deflection of the end point for the blade is calculated in relation to the time by the dynamic analysis of the rotating blade. Also, variable natural frequencies of the blade associated with the angular speed of the hub are simulated in order to operate the HANARO safely.