Knowledge Distribution and Text Mining of International Aviation Safety Research

Aviation safeties (AS) has become a hot topic in social media, for a number of AS issues have occurred in 2014. Generally research of AS were focused on narrow and specific topics. In this study, we try to analyze AS in a new sight, study the publications of the former scientists. The data was collected from the scientific database Web of Science and more than 1000 scientific papers were downloaded. Knowledge distribution and topics related to AS were discussed in this paper. The results show that the AS papers were mainly from the journal Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine. Geospatial analysis shows that NASA, USA and cities from the USA and the European Union are active regions in AS research. Topics analysis has shown that “aviat”, “safeti”, “accid”, “human”, “risk” and “factor” have high frequencies among the AS words. Words including “analysi”, “human”, “factor”, “risk” and “aircraft” have high degree, been regarded as the information hub of AS research. Cluster of AS topics showed that AS mainly focus on five fields and can be summarized as outside and inside AS factors, risk assessment and human-factors etc.