An analysis of skills and qualities required by LIS employers 2004-2005

Between April 2004 and March 2005 data was collated from 1,000 LIS vacancies advertised in CILIP Gazette.The wording in the advertisements was analysed and a record made of skills requested. Skills were then grouped into the following areas: specialist library skills; transferable skills relating to management; general transferable skills - customer facing; general transferable skills - non-customer facing; working patterns and availability; and personal characteristics. Skills are analysed across the whole sample and grouped by larger sector, e.g. schools, FE/HE.The skills requested are also analysed by approximate level of post, ranging from library assistant to director and above. A brief attempt is also made to put the current skills situation into context in the light of the imminent retirement of many 'baby boomer' librarians. Some trends are observed, and some of the implications for both applicants and employers are also outlined.