대형디젤기관에서 Cooled-EGR과 산소과급에 의한 기관성능 및 배출가스 특성에 관한 연구
Many diesel engine manufactures make an efforts to reduce NOx and PM emissions exhausted from engines under pressure. Also, it has been required to comply with new stringent emission standards while improving engine efficiencies. To overcome these problems, a clear understanding of phenomena of spray combustion and emission formation process will be a key issue in an internal combustion engine. This study concluded that the oxygen-enriched and EGR might be a good measure to reduce smoke, PM and NOx in diesel engine.
Therefore, through this research the interrelation among parameters were intensively investigated and evaluated quantitatively, and proposed direction in design for heavy diesel engine with Cooled-EGR and Oxygen-enriched system. Furthermore, tins research has bee made efforts to accomplish the regulation on emission for heavy duty diesel engine.