Modelling and simulation of IWD vehicle

In this paper, the basic simulation model of Individual-Wheel Drive (IWD) vehicle is demonstrated. The MATLAB/Simulink environment is used for simulation model of the real IWD vehicle called “Democar”. The overall simulation model contains a few sub-models that represent the main structures of the vehicle. The mechanical parameters of the vehicle, ambient air, and terrain are aspects which affect the vehicle dynamics and are considered in sub-model. Each of the four wheels has its own electric driveline. For the torque management of individual drivelines and their coordination is designed control sub-system. Each of these main structures and their interlinkages are covered in the paper. A stable MATLAB/Simulink model was developed and validated, important results of simulation are presented. All results that are mentioned in the paper are made within the researcher activity in the branch of automotive electronics in the Department of Electronics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava.