Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases

New directions in the mathematics of infectious disease * Fred Brauer * Kenneth L. Cooke * Basic ideas of mathematical epidemiology * Extensions of the basic models * New vaccination strategies for pertussis * Time delay in epidemic models * Nonlocal response in a simple epidemiological model * Discrete-time S-I-S models with simple and complex population dynamics * Intraspecific competition, dispersal, and disease dynamics in discrete-time patchy environments * The impact of long-range dispersal on the rate of spread in population and epidemic models * Endemicity, persistence, and quasi-stationarity * On the computation of Ro and its role in global stability * Nonlinear mating models for populations with discrete generations * Center manifolds and normal forms in epidemic models * Remarks on modeling host-viral dynamics and treatment * A multiple compartment model for the evolution of HIV-1 after highly active antiretroviral therapy * Modeling cancer as an infectious disease * Frequency dependent risk of infection and the spread of infectious diseases * Long-term dynamics and emergence of tuberculosis