Adaptive modellbasierte prädiktive Regelung einer Kleinwärmepumpenanlage

Small heat pump heating systems are controlled almost exclusively by relaytype controllers whose setpoint is chosen as a function of the outdoor temperature. The main strategy of such controllers is to optimally control the heat delivery system. Special demands on the heat pump, such as extended running times, high portions of low-tariff heating, or low usage of auxiliary power, are given secondary attention only. A new controller for heat pumps has been developed at the Measurement and Control Laboratory using the model predictive control concept. Contrary to conventional heat pump controller strategies, which exclusively use the actual measurements, the model predictive controller calculates the required heat energy by means of the predicted course of the outdoor temperature, the efficiency of the heat pump, the power costs (high and low tariff), and the power cut-off times imposed by electric power providers. To transform the required heat energy into an on/off switch signal for the heat pump, the pulse-width modulation technique is used. To solve the model predictive control problem for the specific problem of house heating, a dynamic linear model of the house is required. The model for the controller is based on simple thermodynamic laws. The resulting equations contain a set of a priori unknown parameters; furthermore, since the parameters of the model differ from one house to another, an identification mechanism is indispensable. Within the scope of this doctoral thesis a selfadapting MPC controller has been developed. Its function is to automatically detect the thermal behavior of the house and its heating system by on-line parameter identification techniques in order to adjust the controller parameters according to preset demands. Different families of recursive parameter identification methods are compared. Furthermore, the robustness with respect to disturbances, the detection of solar radiation, and the consistency of the identified parameters are investigated. The identified model must be able to predict reliably the house dynamics for the next day. In order to compare different control concepts sequentially under identical conditions, a test bench for dynamic tests on a brine-to-water heat pump was