Basin Range Faulting Along the Oquirrh Range, Utah
Introduction LOCATION OF THE AREA STUDIED The Oquirrh Range is in west-central Utah, about 15 miles west of the Wasatch Range, from which it is separated by the nearly level Jordan Valley. Its north end, which is about 20 miles from Salt Lake City, is washed by Great Salt Lake, from which the range extends southward for about 25 miles. Owing to the southeasterly trend of the Wasatch Range, the two ranges diverge somewhat toward the south, and between them stands another range, the Lake Mountains. The southern half of the range, which is the part of it studied in detail by the writer, is included in the Stockton and Fairfield quadrangles of the U. S. Geological Survey Topographic Atlas. PREVIOUS WORK Basin Range faulting along the west front of the Oquirrh Range was long ago recognized by Gilbert, 2 who described the fault at Ophir Creek and assumed that it . . .