Eficiency Improvement of Multi-user Conventional, SIC and PIC Detectors in Rayleigh Fading Channels Using Array Antennas

Abs tract: Due to s imultaneous use rs ' acces s t o th e ch a n n el in the direct s equence s pread s pectrum system s , multiple access interference may occur. Some different methods are proposed to cancel such interference in order to improve the efficiency of these system s ; e.g. multi-us e r d etectors with successive and parallel interference cancellation. The aim of this p a p e r is improving the efficiency of conventional detector, SIC and PIC by using smart antennas in Rayleigh fading channel. It is essential that spreading code in s imulated system is gold code. A meta-heuristic process method is presented for array antennas . The s imulation res ults depict a s ignificant improvement in efficiency of the s ys tem. Comparis on of conventional, PIC and SIC detectors with and without array antennas depict the sam e res ults .