직교 격자계 기반 유동해석기법을 이용한 해양구조물에 작용하는 파랑하중 해석
This paper presents a numerical study of wave loads acting on offshore structures using a Cartesian-grid based flow simulation method. Finite volume discretization with volume-of-fluid(VOF) method is adopted to solve two-phase Namer-Stokes equations. Among many variations of VOF method, CICSAM scheme is applied. Body boundary conditions are satisfied using porosity function and wave generation is carried out by using transient(wave or damping) Tone approaches. In order to validate the present numerical method, three different basic offshore structures including sphere, Pinkster"s barge, WigleyIII models are numerically investigated. Diffraction and Radiation problems are solved by the present numerical method. Wave exciting and drift forces from diffraction problems are compared with potential-based solutions. Added mass and wave damping forces from radiation problems are also compared with potential results. Comparison results are jenny good to show the validity cf the present numerical method.