Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Analysis Based on Unit Cell Model

For the research of Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR), we are developing computer code systems. [1] Contemporary computer codes like the MCNP6 [2] or SCALE [3] are only good for solving a fixed solid fuel reactor. However, due to the molten-salt fuel, MSR analysis needs some functions such as online reprocessing & refueling, and circulating fuel. J.J. Power of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) suggested in 2013 a method for simulating the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR) with SCALE, which does not support continuous material processing. [4] In order to simulate MSR characteristics, the method proposes dividing a depletion time into short time intervals and batchwise reprocessing & refueling at each step. We are applying this method by using the MCNP6 & PYTHON and NEWT-TRITON-PYTHON & PYTHON code systems to MSBR. This paper contains various parameters to analyze the MSBR unit cell model such as the multiplication factor, breeding ratio, change of amount of fuel, amount of fuel feeding, and neutron flux distribution.