원자력 발전소 주제어실 인터페이스 설계를 위한 인적오류 분석 기법의 보완

This study describes a modification of the technique for human error analysis in nuclear power plants (NPPs) which adopts advanced Man-Machine Interface (MMI) features based on computerized working environment, such as LCOs. Flat Panels. Large Wall Board, and computerized procedures. Firstly, the state of the art on human error analysis methods and efforts were briefly reviewed. Human error analysis method applied to NPP design has been THERP and ASEP mainly utilizing Swain's HRA handbook, which has not been facilitated enough to put the varied characteristics of MMI into HRA process. The basic concepts on human errors and the system safety approach were revisited, and adopted the process of FMEA with the new definition of Error Segment (ESJ. A modified human error analysis process was suggested. Then, the suggested method was applied to the failure of manual pump actuation through LCD touch screen in loss of feed water event in order to verify the applicability of the proposed method in practices. The example showed that the method become more facilitated to consider the concerns of the introduction of advanced MMI devices, and to integrate human error analysis process not only into HRA/PRA but also into the MMI and interface design. Finally, the possible extensions and further efforts required to obtain the applicability of the suggested method were discussed.