A table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Lanthony Desaturate color vision test.

The Lanthony Desaturate Panel D-15 (D-15d) color vision test is used in neurotoxicological testing to assess acquired color vision deficits. The original test design included a qualitative scoring method. Quantitative scoring requires mapping the colored objects used in the test into a color space describing perceptual distances. A table of these distances has previously been published for the saturated version of this color vision test, but not the desaturate test. This communication includes a table of color distances for the calculation of Bowman's Total Color Distance Score (TCDS) for the D-15d. This table should be useful for non-computerized scoring under field test conditions or for devising one's own computerized scoring methods using the tabulated color distances for a look-up table. Data analysis programs using SAS or Matlab are available from the author.