Scanning The Business Environment For Information: A Grounded Theory Approach
This thesis examines the scanning of the business environment for information
by a sample of Portuguese chemical companies. Nineteen companies were
studied and forty senior managers were interviewed during 1992. The
methodology used coupled the multiple case study approach with the
grounded theory method of qualitative analysis.
The grounded theory proposed in this thesis comprises three main
components: the categories, the principal relationships among them and the
contextual factors that shape the categories and relationships. Variability
among companies is explained by a few key relationships among these
categories. Environmental scanning is the phenomenon under study and
constitutes the core category, to which the other six categories that emerged
out of the qualitative data analysis were related: perceived environmental
change and strategic change, information consciousness and information
climate, organizational outwardness and individual exposure to information.
The relationships identified among these categories contribute to
understanding how managerial perceptions of environmental change affect
strategic change and also how internal factors of an organizational, as well as
of an individual, nature influence the environmental scanning activity. From an
internal perspective, the contextual factors include company history and
culture; from an external perspective, those factors include the overall
economic, social, cultural and political conditions that characterize modem
Portugal and shape those organizations, to a certain extent.
This research unravelled three main issues concerning the problematic of
environmental scanning in Portuguese chemical companies: 1) The scanning
focus and scanning mode used by managers are inappropriate to deal with the
important discontinuities they perceive in their business environment; 2) The
integration of environmental information with internally-generated information
is achieved only at top level, by means of senior managers' ability to relate and
integrate disparate data provided by the functional areas; 3) Organizational
culture emerged as an important factor in the analysis of information issues
within organizations. However, the fact that the three ''best'' companies have
developed different sorts of information cultures suggests that there is not a
"best" culture: different cultures may be required for different contexts.
[1] William R. King,et al. Environmental scanning for corporate planning , 1977 .