Self-determined motivation predicts independent, home-based exercise following cardiac rehabilitation.

OBJECTIVE To investigate self-determined motivation as a predictor of exercise behavior 3 and 6 weeks following completion of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) as well as the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and self-determined motivation to exercise. PARTICIPANTS AND DESIGN CR outpatients (n = 68; M(age) = 64.90 +/- 8.86 years). The design was correlational (cross-sectional and prospective), with psychological need satisfaction predicting self-determined motivation at the completion of CR and self-determined motivation predicting exercise behavior at 3- and 6-week follow-ups. RESULTS Psychological need satisfaction for competence predicted self-determined motivation to exercise (beta = .32, p < .05, pr(2) = .08). Self-determined motivation at the end of CR was correlated with exercise behavior at 3-week follow-up (r(68) = .22, p < .05) and predicted exercise at 6 weeks (R(2) (adjusted) = .11; beta = .35, p < .01). CONCLUSION CR participants who report higher levels of psychological need satisfaction regarding exercise report greater self-determined motivation. Greater self-determined motivation to exercise, in turn, relates to higher levels of subsequent independent exercise behavior. Nurturing psychological needs and self-determined motivation during CR may assist participants in maintaining exercise following CR.

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