Self-Protecting Mobile Agents Obfuscation Report Final report

This document describes our investigation into software obfuscation for building SelfProtecting Mobile Agents (SPMA). The original goal of the SPMA project was to develop automated tools to protect mobile agents from attacks by malicious hosts. In development of those tools, we realized obfuscation could not be relied upon to give a reasonable amount of security. Because of this, we redirected the SPMA project to studying obfuscation. Our conclusions include theoretical results about obfuscation and evidence that supports those results. Our most important conclusion is that there is no general obfuscation problem (i.e. a definition and theory of obfuscation that will always apply). We believe that all automated obfuscation is merely emulation; this will certainly be an area of future research. We conclude that if software obfuscation is to be useful, it must be employed for a specific purpose (not “obfuscate any program protecting all information”), and use fundamentally new ideas. Future theoretical work on obfuscation will have to define it clearly, and use a restricted set of programs, so that the result of Barak et al. [BGI+01] does not apply. In the course of developing obfuscation tools, we evaluated the properties of programming languages under several obfuscating transforms, concluding that strict typesafe programming languages were the best for obfuscation. In addition, programs specifically designed to be obfuscated will give better results, as the programmers will avoid implementing unobfuscatable constructs.

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