Genetic Architecture of Subcortical Brain Structures in Over 40,000 Individuals Worldwide

Subcortical brain structures are integral to motion, consciousness, emotions, and learning. We identified common genetic variation related to the volumes of nucleus accumbens, amygdala, brainstem, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen, and thalamus, using genome-wide association analyses in over 40,000 individuals from CHARGE, ENIGMA and the UK-Biobank. We show that variability in subcortical volumes is heritable, and identify 25 significantly associated loci (20 novel). Annotation of these loci utilizing gene expression, methylation, and neuropathological data identified 62 candidate genes implicated in neurodevelopment, synaptic signaling, axonal transport, apoptosis, and susceptibility to neurological disorders. This set of genes is significantly enriched for Drosophila orthologs associated with neurodevelopmental phenotypes, suggesting evolutionarily conserved mechanisms. Our findings uncover novel biology and potential drug targets underlying brain development and disease.

Michael W. Weiner | Anders M. Dale | Robert C. Green | M. Mallar Chakravarty | Shannon L. Risacher | Andrew J. Saykin | Paul M. Thompson | Randy L. Gollub | Jessica A. Turner | Vince D. Calhoun | Arthur W. Toga | Lars T. Westlye | Tien Yin Wong | Steven G. Potkin | Li Shen | Anbupalam Thalamuthu | Guillén Fernández | Ryota Kanai | Norman Delanty | Evan Fletcher | Owen T. Carmichael | Magda Tsolaki | Maria del C. Valdés Hernández | Mark E. Bastin | Ian J. Deary | Wiro J. Niessen | Oscar L. Lopez | James T. Becker | Arno Villringer | Christopher R. K. Ching | Katie L. McMahon | Greig I. de Zubicaray | Yanhui Hu | Roberto Toro | Henrik Walter | Dick J. Veltman | Neda Jahanshad | Andre F. Marquand | Dorret I. Boomsma | M. Arfan Ikram | Randy L. Buckner | Rachel M. Brouwer | Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol | René S. Kahn | Ole A. Andreassen | Reinhold Schmidt | Hieab H.H. Adams | Hans J. Grabe | Sarah E. Medland | Claudia L. Satizabal | Sudha Seshadri | Alexander Teumer | Meike W. Vernooij | Katharina Wittfeld | Qiong Yang | Vidar M. Steen | Margaret J. Wright | Manuel Mattheisen | Wolfgang Hoffmann | Andreas Heinz | Anouk den Braber | Marc M. Bohlken | Bruno Vellas | Lars Nyberg | Katrin Hegenscheid | Henry Völzke | Andrew Simmons | Eric Westman | Derrek P. Hibar | Ching-Yu Cheng | Gabriel Cuellar-Partida | Clifford R Jr. Jack | Zdenka Pausova | Philip L. De Jager | Allison Stevens | Markus Scholz | Stefan Ehrlich | Fabrice Crivello | Kwangsik Nho | Daniel R. Weinberger | Venkata S. Mattay | Erik G. Jönsson | Tonya White | Florian Holsboer | Dirk J. Heslenfeld | Vilmundur Gudnason | Douglas N. Greve | Bernard Mazoyer | A. Veronica Witte | Matthias Nauck | David A. Bennett | Perminder S. Sachdev | Simone Reppermund | Henry Brodaty | Honghuang Lin | Wei Wen | Benno Pütz | Nazanin Karbalai | Bertram Müller-Myhsok | Jan K. Buitelaar | Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg | Simon E. Fisher | Lenore J. Launer | Shahrzad Kharabian Masouleh | Jia Yu Koh | Christopher D. Whelan | Nicholas G. Martin | Joshua C. Bis | Andrew D. Johnson | Han G. Brunner | Dan J Stein | Ingrid Agartz | Konstantinos Arfanakis | Christophe Tzourio | Nhat Trung Doan | Jason L. Stein | Lianne Schmaal | Hilkka Soininen | Anita L. DeStefano | Tomas Axelsson | Susanne Erk | Markus M. Nöthen | Sven Cichon | Marcella Rietschel | Jordan W. Smoller | Beng-Choon Ho | Wiepke Cahn | Thomas Espeseth | Philippe Amouyel | Tamara B. Harris | Avram J. Holmes | M. Kamran Ikram | Cornelia M. van Duijn | Tatiana Foroud | Albert Hofman | Patrizia Mecocci | Tianye Jia | Gunter Schumann | Philipp G. Sämann | Markus Loeffler | Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth | Alejandro Arias-Vasquez | Sylvane Desrivières | Benjamin S. Aribisala | Oliver Gruber | Iwona Kloszewska | Joshua L. Roffman | Micael Andersson | Benedicto Crespo-Facorro | Dan J. Stein | Peter R. Schofield | Grant W. Montgomery | Stephen M. Lawrie | Simon Lovestone | Lucija Abramovic | Xueqiu Jian | Miguel E. Rentería | Edith Hofer | Sebastian Mohnke | Narelle K. Hansell | André G. Uitterlinden | Norbert Hosten | Qiang Chen | Paul A Nyquist | Saima Hilal | Ganesh Chauhan | Myriam Fornage | Amelia A. Assareh | Karen A. Mather | Roel A. Ophoff | Matthew J. Huentelman | Sanjay M. Sisodiya | Stephanie Le Hellard | Martine Hoogman | Nynke A. Groenewold | Andrew M. McIntosh | Jouke-Jan Hottenga | Helena Schmidt | Iryna O. Fedko | Jerome I. Rotter | Barbara Franke | Hans van Bokhoven | Arvin Saremi | Daan van Rooij | Thomas Wolfers | John D. Eicher | Dennis van der Meer | Catharina A. Hartman | Debra A. Fleischman | Lachlan T. Strike | Thomas H. Mosley | Dalia Kasperaviciute | Tomáš Paus | Joshua M. Shulman | Marcel P. Zwiers | Andrew J. Schork | Thomas W. Mühleisen | Jean-Luc Martinot | Massimo Pandolfo | Bruce M. Psaty | Mar Matarin | Marie-José van Tol | Srdjan Djurovic | Ingrid Melle | Nanda N. J. Rommelse | Nicola J. Armstrong | Thomas H. Wassink | Jean Shin | Ralph Burkhardt | Bernd Kraemer | David C. Liewald | Kristel R. van Eijk | Diana Tordesillas-Gutierrez | Roberto Roiz-Santiañez | Sungeun Kim | Charles C. White | Deborah Janowitz | Najaf Amin | Gianpiero L. Cavalleri | Yuri Milaneschi | Jaap Oosterlaan | Georg Homuth | Yasaman Saba | Elena Shumskaya | Pauline Maillard | Herve Lemaitre | Jingyun Yang | George Davey Smith | Owen Carmichael | M. Fornage | A. Hofman | A. Uitterlinden | I. Deary | S. Cichon | C. Francks | T. Mühleisen | S. Djurovic | I. Melle | B. Franke | O. Andreassen | R. Ophoff | M. Rietschel | M. Nöthen | T. Wassink | A. Dale | C. Jack | R. Green | M. Weiner | R. Buckner | V. Calhoun | S. Potkin | J. Turner | A. Meyer-Lindenberg | N. Jahanshad | A. Toga | P. Thompson | T. Paus | D. Bennett | V. Gudnason | R. Kahn | W. Cahn | D. Weinberger | D. Greve | M. Chakravarty | H. Walter | H. Völzke | K. Hegenscheid | A. Schork | Albert Vernon Smith | Li Shen | A. Saykin | Sungeun Kim | S. Risacher | S. Lawrie | A. Simmons | J. Becker | A. Villringer | V. Mattay | L. Nyberg | T. Wong | A. Holmes | J. Smoller | N. Martin | L. Westlye | Qiong Yang | C. Duijn | M. Bastin | I. Agartz | B. Mazoyer | A. Heinz | F. Holsboer | F. Crivello | K. Arfanakis | G. Zubicaray | C. Decarli | O. Lopez | B. Psaty | J. Roffman | J. Buitelaar | A. McIntosh | H. Soininen | R. Gollub | R. Kanai | M. Zwiers | K. Nho | P. Schofield | B. Penninx | W. Niessen | S. Erk | N. Romanczuk-Seiferth | O. Grimm | Yanhui Hu | J. Shulman | G. Montgomery | D. Hibar | H. Pol | J. Rotter | A. Marquand | E. Westman | P. Mecocci | B. Vellas | M. Tsolaki | I. Kloszewska | S. Lovestone | P. Sachdev | S. Reppermund | H. Brodaty | W. Wen | T. Harris | D. Veltman | N. V. D. Wee | J. Stein | D. Boomsma | G. Fernández | S. Sisodiya | P. Amouyel | S. Ehrlich | E. Walton | T. White | H. Brunner | D. Becker | J. Hottenga | D. Janowitz | O. Gruber | A. Thalamuthu | D. Tordesillas-Gutiérrez | H. Lemaître | J. Martinot | Z. Pausova | G. Schumann | M. Scholz | T. Espeseth | A. Goldman | Qiang Chen | R. Brouwer | S. Fisher | B. Pütz | B. Ho | B. Crespo-Facorro | M. Loeffler | T. Foroud | R. Toro | D. Fleischman | C. Tzourio | P. Maillard | E. Fletcher | R. Schmidt | H. Schmidt | J. Wardlaw | M. Mattheisen | E. Jönsson | H. Grabe | G. Homuth | A. Teumer | S. Medland | N. Hansell | K. Mcmahon | M. Wright | B. Müller-Myhsok | M. Vernooij | M. Ikram | A. Beiser | K. Wittfeld | N. Hosten | W. Hoffmann | M. Bohlken | L. Athanasiu | J. Bis | M. Huentelman | X. Jian | J. Kwok | M. V. Hernández | D. Liewald | M. Luciano | V. Steen | N. Amin | L. Launer | C. Depondt | G. Cavalleri | M. Pandolfo | G. Smith | A. DeStefano | P. D. Jager | T. Mosley | S. Seshadri | C. Hartman | Ching-Yu Cheng | L. Yanek | S. Hagenaars | Y. Milaneschi | J. Himali | S. Hellard | M. Papmeyer | A. Håberg | N. Groenewold | L. Schmaal | M. Rentería | J. Cheung | P. Sämann | M. Nauck | Li Shen | A. Arias-Vasquez | S. Desrivières | L. Abramovic | M. Andersson | N. Armstrong | M. Bernard | M. Boks | J. Bralten | C. Ching | G. Cuéllar-Partida | A. D. Braber | S. Giddaluru | T. Guadalupe | M. Hoogman | T. Jia | M. Klein | B. Kraemer | Phil H. Lee | L. M. Loohuis | Christine Macare | K. Mather | R. Roiz-Santiañez | Jean Shin | L. Strike | M. V. Donkelaar | K. V. Eijk | C. Whelan | S. Alhusaini | U. Haukvik | D. Kasperavičiūtė | M. Matarin | C. Wolf | D. Ames | A. Assareh | K. Bulayeva | I. Fedko | D. Heslenfeld | P. Hoekstra | S. Mohnke | G. Pike | Jessika E. Sussmann | D. V. Ent | M. Tol | G. Davies | N. Delanty | H. Bokhoven | N. V. Haren | E. J. Geus | Hieab H. H. Adams | G. Chauhan | C. Satizabal | S. V. D. Lee | W. Longstreth | P. Nyquist | L. Vinke | T. Erp | T. Wolfers | S. Debette | Honghuang Lin | J. Oosterlaan | C. White | M. Ikram | Tom V. Lee | Christopher L H Chen | N. T. Doan | A. Saremi | E. Shumskaya | D. Rooij | E. Hofer | Baljeet Singh | J. Ipser | N. Haren | S. Hilal | R. Burkhardt | M. Sargurupremraj | N. Koen | J. Koh | A. Stevens | J. Eicher | J. Richards | D. V. Meer | Jingyun Yang | N. Rommelse | Irina Filippi | A. Witte | Y. Saba | H. Jones | T. Axelsson | D. Höhn | N. Karbalai | Alexa Beiser | Marieke Klein | Asta Håberg | Manon Bernard | G. Bruce Pike | Michelle Luciano | Charles DeCarli | Neeltje E.M. van Haren | Saskia P. Hagenaars | Unn K. Haukvik | Stéphanie Debette | Sven J. van der Lee | Oliver Grimm | Lavinia Athanasiu | Saud Alhusaini | Martina Papmeyer | Janita Bralten | Irina Filippi | Tulio Guadalupe | David Ames | Sudheer Giddaluru | Esther Walton | Jonathan C Ipser | Christine Macare | Christiane Wolf | Baljeet Singh | Nastassja Koen | Chantal Depondt | Clyde Francks | Christopher Chen | Dennis van 't Ent | John B. J. Kwok | Tulio M. Guadalupe | Pieter J. Hoekstra | S. K. Masouleh | J Wardlaw | Albert V. Smith | Eco J. C. de Geus | Diane M. Becker | Joshua W. Cheung | Gareth E. Davies | Jayandra J. Himali | Lisa R. Yanek | Theo G.M. van Erp | Nic J.A. van der Wee | Marco P.M. Boks | M. Knol | Brenda W.J.H. Penninx | Maria J. Knol | William T. Longstreth | U. K. Haukvik | Louis Vinke | Shuo Li | Loes M. Olde Loohuis | Murali Sargurupremraj | D. Höhn | Hannah J. Jones | Aaron Goldman | Kazima B. Bulayeva | Jennifer Richards | Marjolein M.J. van Donkelaar | Shuo Li | A. Smith | M. Hernández | A. Johnson | L. Shen | D. Meer | P. L. Jager | S. J. Lee | A. Smith | A. Arias-Vásquez | A. Uitterlinden | A. Hofman | D. Boomsma | B. Psaty | M. Wright | Nazanin Karbalai | P. Thompson | Honghuang Lin | A. Braber | A. Destefano | N. Martin | T. Wong | E. D. Geus | N. Martin | R. Schmidt

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