INTRODUCTION Text editing is full of small repetitive tasks. Users have a basket of tools for automating such tasks, including search-andreplace, keyboard macros, and text-processing languages like Perl or awk. Among the drawbacks of existing tools are too little power, too little domain specificity, and too-steep learning curves. Automated text editing can also be dangerous; witness the reckless applications of global search-andreplace featured in comp.risks, among them “eLabourated” in a news report about the British government and “arjpgicial turf” on a web site that evidently switched from TIFF to JPEG. Existing automation tools do nothing to help the user catch these kinds of errors.
Yuzo Fujishima,et al.
Demonstrational automation of text editing tasks involving multiple focus points and conversions
IUI '98.
Rob Miller,et al.
Outlier finding: focusing user attention on possible errors
UIST '01.
Rob Miller,et al.
Lightweight Structured Text Processing
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track.
Henry Lieberman,et al.
Watch what I do: programming by demonstration
Rob Miller,et al.
Interactive Simultaneous Editing of Multiple Text Regions
USENIX ATC, General Track.