The behavior of a buffer having an arbitrary number of common output channels in a packet switchmg system with an arbitrary number of priority classes of messages as studied Because of the random lengths of the messages and the fixed packet size, some messages must be split into several packets. Packets of the same message may not be sent immediately m sequence because of the packets of higher priority messages Therefore, the message wamng tame is defined as the wamng tame of the last packet carrying a part of the given message The hmmng probability dastnbution of thas delay is calculated for the case of mdependent packet amval processes wRh stataonary independent increments Some numerical results are also presented The results obtamed can be used m the analysis of message path delay in certain store-and-forward commumcatton systems, particularly loop communication systems.
A. Kuczura,et al.
Batch input to a multiserver queue with constant service times
Wesley W. Chu,et al.
On the Analysis and Modeling of a Class of Computer Communication Systems
IEEE Trans. Commun..
Bernd Meister,et al.
Service in a Loop System
Edmund Taylor Whittaker,et al.
A Course of Modern Analysis
Mark Kac,et al.
An Elementary Queueing Problem
Alan G. Konheim,et al.
Priority Disciplines in a Loop System