간이 디젤후처리장치 평가시스템 개발
Today diesel engines are used extensively in the automotive, because they have excellent fuel economy and performance. But emissions from diesel engines are a significant air-quality issue by high emission of the NOx and PM. Many methods of aftertreatment have been developed since the advent of emission standards for diesel engines. The diesel aftertreatment system can be classifie into various categories by its target emission and reduction mechanism. The control methods and operating conditions are very important consideration for an each aftertreatment system. It is necessary to test with engine dynamometer precisely, since the characteristics of diesel emission are important parameters for the development of aftertreatment system. Although engine dynamometer test is necessary, it is not cost-effective. To reduce the prime cost, it is needed to build more cost-effective test equipments, In this work, the simple evaluation system was examined as a means of testing cost-effective using a real diesel engine and water-brake system.
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