The reproduction of small ruminants like goats and sheep managed under extensive range grazing conditions can be affected by nutrients availability and especially by the mineral content of the forages resources on the rangeland. It has been particularly demonstrated that trace elements can have equally, beneficial or detrimental effects, depending on its balance, on reproductive functions in small ruminants. Trace elements as copper, molybdenum, selenium and zinc play key role on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids; however, the mode of action by which these elements affect reproduction in sheep and goats are not completely understood, due to the complexity in the mode of action of the metallobiomolecules and the neuro-hormonal relationship. In this way, their absence or presence of these minerals in several organs, fluids, or tissues of the reproductive tract have allowed obtaining information on the metabolism and the role of these elements on reproduction in sheep and goats. On this regard, the objective of this document is to review the relationships and effects of some trace elements, on reproductive events in sheep and goats.