Police and Policing: Contemporary Issues
Introduction: Twenty Years of Change in Policing by Robert P. McNamara The Socialization of the Police by Robert P. McNamara Managing Police Personnel Intelligence and the Selection of Police Recruits by Dennis Jay Kenney and T. Steuart Watson Supervising the Police by Kenneth J. Peak, Ronald W. Glensor, and Larry K. Gaines Personnel Performance Evaluations in the Community Policing Context by Timothy N. Oettmeier and Mary Ann Wycoff Tired Cops: Probable Connections Between Fatigue and the Performance, Health, and Safety of Patrol Officers by Bryan Vila Police Suicide: An Analysis by Steven Stack and Thomas Kelley Can I Get a Witness: The Role of Religion in Policing by Robert P. McNamara and Maria Tempenis Managing Police Organizations Tactical Patrol Evaluation by Gary W. Cordner and Dennis Jay Kenney A National Survey of Pursuits and the Use of Police Force: Data from Law Enforcement Agencies by Dennis Jay Kenney and Geoffrey P. Alpert Rethinking Detective Management or, Why Investigative Reforms are Seldom Permanent or Effective by John E. Eck Affirmative Action, Diversity, and the Police by Tara O'Connor Shelley and Samuel Walker Citizen Complaints and the Community by Samuel Walker Reflections on Institutional Corruption by Robert Leuci The Impacts of Policing Accomplishing Problem-Solving in the Community: Reconciling the Concepts by Dennis Jay Kenney and T. Steuart Watson The Problems of Problem-Solving: Resistance, Interdependencies, and Conflicting Interests by Michael E. Buerger Innovation in Policing Organizations: A National Study by Jihong Zhao, Quint Thurman, and Christopher Simon Crime Specific Policing by Larry T. Hoover Index