Automation of an Open-Ditch Irrigation Conveyance System Utilizing Tile Outlets

ADSTRACT NEARLY 80 percent of the irrigated lands in the United States use surface irrigation techniques. Most of the on-farm, irrigation-water distribution systems are of the open-ditch type. The latest trend in western Arizona and parts of California is to dead-level fields, then irrigate from single or multiple outlets with large streams of water. These level basins are well adapted to automation. An automated irrigation sys-tem reduces farm labor requirements and, as an irri-gation management tool, can reduce water applica-tion, improve crop production, and minimize scalding and thus stand loss. A 28.4-ha (70-acre) field irrigated with tile outlets was pneumatically automated using two types of pillows on the outlet side, in combination with automated jack-gates, from a centrally located concrete-lined canal. The present system is being used by the farmer, observed and amended by the researchers, and demon-strated to many US and foreign visitors.