A fast non-conforming DP-FETI domain decomposition method for the solution of large EM problems

The paper presents an efficient finite element based domain decomposition method (DDM) (Benamou, J-D and Despre/spl grave/s, B., J Comput. Phys., vol.136, p.68-82. 1997; Stupfel, B. and Mognot, M., IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.48, p.653-60, 2000) for the analysis of large electromagnetic problems with a finite number of different building blocks. Such problems arise in important engineering applications such as antenna arrays, frequency selective surfaces, photonic crystals and metamaterials. The method is general enough to analyze arbitrary geometries. The proposed method is based on three key ingredients: (a) the optimized Robin transmission condition across interfaces; (b) the new mortar method for nonconforming triangulations; (c) a fast dual-primal finite element tearing and interconnecting (DP-FETI) algorithm similar to that of Wolfe, C.T. et al. (see IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.48, no.2, p.278-84, 2000).