Spanning Trees in 2-trees

A spanning tree of a graph $G$ is a connected acyclic spanning subgraph of $G$. We consider enumeration of spanning trees when $G$ is a $2$-tree, meaning that $G$ is obtained from one edge by iteratively adding a vertex whose neighborhood consists of two adjacent vertices. We use this construction order both to inductively list the spanning trees without repetition and to give bounds on the number of them. We determine the $n$-vertex $2$-trees having the most and the fewest spanning trees. The $2$-tree with the fewest is unique; it has $n-2$ vertices of degree $2$ and has $n2^{n-3}$ spanning trees. Those with the most are all those having exactly two vertices of degree $2$, and their number of spanning trees is the Fibonacci number $F_{2n-2}$.