Knots and Numbers in ϕ4 Theory to 7 Loops and Beyond
We evaluate all the primitive divergences contributing to the 7-loop β-function of ɸ4 theory, i.e. all 59 diagrams that are free of subdivergences and hence give scheme-independent contributions. Guided by the association of diagrams with knots, we obtain analytical results for 56 diagrams. The remaining three diagrams, associated with the knots 10124, 10139, and 10152, are evaluated numerically, to 10 sf. Only one satellite knot with 11 crossings is encountered and the transcendental number associated with it is found. Thus we achieve an analytical result for the 6-loop contributions, and a numerical result at 7 loops that is accurate to one part in 1011. The series of ‘zig-zag’ counterterms, , previously known for n=3, 4, 5, 6 loops, is evaluated to 10 loops, corresponding to 17 crossings, revealing that the n-loop zig-zag term is , where are the Catalan numbers, familiar in knot theory. The investigations reported here entailed intensive use of REDUCE, to generate O(104) lines of code for multiple precision FORTRAN computations, enabled by Bailey’s MPFUN routines, running for O(103) CPUhours on DecAlpha machines.