Modulation of Jovian electron intensity in interplanetary space by corotating interaction regions
Large-scale intensity variations of Jovian electrons in the energy range 3--6 MeV persisting for several days were observed with instrumentation on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft out to several AU from Jupiter along the pre- and post-planetary encounter trajectories. The corotating interaction regions (CIRs), found by Smith and Wolfe on these missions to be approx.25 day recurring regions of enhanced magnetic fields bounded by jumps in solar wind velocity and frequently shocks, are shown to be impenetrable ''barriers'' for the Jovian electrons propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus, the principal electron intensity variations are due to the modulating effects of CIRs and are not due to either variations in escape rate of electrons from the magnetosphere or interplanetary electron acceleration. The implications for electron observations at the orbit of Earth are discussed. (AIP)