Hyperon-nucleon potentials from lattice QCD

We calculate pΞ 0 potentials from the equal-time Bethe-Salpeter amplitude measured in the quenched QCD simulation with the spatial lattice volume, (4.4 fm) 3 . The standard Wilson gauge action with the gauge coupling β = 5:7 on 32 4 lattice together with the standard Wilson quark action are used. The hopping parameter κ ud = 0:1678 is chosen for u and d quarks, which corresponds to mπ ’ 0:37 GeV. The physical strange quark mass is used by taking the parameter κs = 0:1643 which is deduced from the physical K meson mass. The lattice spacing a = 0:1420 fm is determined by the physical ρ meson mass. We find that the pΞ 0 potential has strong spin dependence. Strong repulsive core is found in 1 S 0 channel while the effective central potential in the 3 S 1 channel has relatively weak repulsive core. The potentials also have weak attractive parts in the medium to long distance region (0:6 fm < r < 1:2 fm) in both of the 1 S 0 and 3 S 1 channels.