CReST-Security Knitting Kit: Ready to Use Teaching Resources to Embed Security Topics into Upper Division CS Courses (Abstract Only)

Information Assurance and Security has been designated as a new knowledge area in the new ACM/IEEE-CS Curricula 2013. This is not a trivial task to accomplish, especially with lack of resources. With support from NSF (Award# DUE-1140864), we have developed a set of readily available resources called SecKnitKit (Security Knitting Kit,, which offers a suite of instructional material for non-security faculty (faculty whose primary teaching/research focus is not security) to integrate security in upper division CS courses such as operating systems, software engineering, computer networks and databases. As part of the NSF CReST (CyberWorkshops: Resources and Strategies for Teaching Cybersecurity in Computer Science, DUE-1438861, project, this workshop will introduce CS faculty to the SecKnitKit resources that can be easily adaptable into any standard CS curriculum. The participants will receive access to all SecKnitKit materials (instructional and assessment) of interest and demonstrated use of the active learning exercises. Each participant will receive $125.00 stipend for his/her time. Requires a Windows or Mac laptop. Enrollment is limited to 28 participants who teach at least one of these courses: operating systems, software engineering, computer networks and databases).