The laser fusion driven actinide waste burner (LDAB) system investigated uses partitioned fission power reactor generated actinide wastes dissolved in a molten tin alloy as feed material (or fuel). A novel fuel processing concept based on the high-temperature precipitation of ''actinide--nitrides'' from a liquid tin solution is proposed. This concept will allow for fission product removal to be performed entirely within the device at high burnup. No attempt has been made to optimize this system, but potential performance is impressive. The equilibrium LDAB design consumes 7.6 MT/y of actinide waste. This corresponds to the waste output from 136 light water reactors (1000 MW (electric)). The mean life of an actinide atom in the LDAB is only 4.5 y; and actinides, once charged to the LDAB, might be reprocessed fewer times during irradiation than in previously proposed systems.
G. Woodruff,et al.
An Approximate Calculational Method for Nuclear Heating
L. M. Petrie,et al.
AMPX: a modular code system for generating coupled multigroup neutron-gamma libraries from ENDF/B
R. R. Holman,et al.
Fusion-driven actinide burner design study. Second quarterly progress report
H. C. Claiborne.
Effect of actinide removal on the long-term hazard of high-level waste
M. Bell.
ORIGEN: the ORNL isotope generation and depletion code
R. N. Anderson,et al.
Application of Nitride-Forming Reactions to Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuels