The Design of the W. M. Keck Observatory Archive

The Michelson Science Center (MSC) and the W. M. Keck Observatory are building an archive that will serve data obtained at the Keck Observatory. The archive has begun operations and is ingesting Level 0 (uncalibrated) observations made with the recently upgraded High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES); these observations will be publicly accessible after expiration of a proprietary period. Observatory staff have begun using the archived data to determine the long-term performance of the HIRES instrument. The archive is housed at the Michelson Science Center (MSC) and employs a modular design with the following components: (1) Data Evaluation and Preparation: images from the telescope are evaluated and native FITS headers are converted to metadata that will support archiving; (2) Trans Pacific Data Transfer: metadata are sent daily by e-mail and ingested into the archive in a highly fault tolerant fashion, and FITS images are written to DVDs and sent to MSC each week; (3) Science Information System: inherited from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, it provides all the functionality needed to support database inquiries and processing of requests; and a Web-based (4) User Interface, a thin layer above the information system that accepts user requests and returns results. The design offers two major cost-saving benefits: it overcomes the geographical separation between the telescope and the archive and enables development at Keck and at MSC to proceed independently; and it permits direct inheritance of the IRSA architecture.