Adventitial remodeling after coronary arterial injury.

BACKGROUND Intraluminal thrombus formation and medial smooth muscle (SM) cell proliferation are recognized responses of the arterial system to injury. In contrast to these well-characterized processes during vascular repair, changes involving the adventitia have been largely neglected in previous studies. Hence, the goal of this investigation was to assess the response of the adventitia to coronary arterial injury. METHODS AND RESULTS Adventitial changes in porcine coronary arteries subjected to medial injury were characterized by immunohistochemistry, histochemistry, and microscopic morphometry. The rapid development of a hypercellular response in the adventitia was evident 3 days after balloon-induced medial injury. Cell proliferation, as assessed by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunostaining, reached the maximum level in the adventitia at 3 days, whereas at 14 and 28 days, the number of replicating cells reverted toward the baseline. The proliferating activity in the adventitia exceeded that seen in the media at all times after injury. To further define the changes in the phenotype of adventitial cells, the expression of three cytoskeletal proteins (vimentin, alpha-SM actin, and desmin) was characterized. Fibroblasts in normal adventitia expressed vimentin but no alpha-SM actin or desmin. After injury, these cells acquired characteristics of myofibroblasts expressing alpha-SM actin, which peaked at 7 and 14 days. Desmin expression was patchy in the adventitia, as opposed to its homogeneous distribution in medial SM cells. The modulation of fibroblast phenotype was transient, inasmuch as alpha-SM actin immunostaining declined at 28 days after injury, when dense, collagen-rich scar was evident within the adventitia. The above-described changes involving hypercellularity of the adventitia, myofibroblast formation, and fibrosis were associated with a significant focal adventitial thickening at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after injury (P < .01 versus uninjured coronary arteries). CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates the involvement of the adventitia in the vascular repair process after medial injury. The hypercellularity of the adventitial layer, proliferation of fibroblasts, and modulation of their phenotype to myofibroblasts are associated with the development of the thickened adventitia. It is postulated that these phenomena affect vascular remodeling and may provide an important insight into the mechanisms of vascular disorders.

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