Recently, new climate change mechanism after 2020 year has been accepted with the parties, and so government is pushing ahead the GHG reduction policies to achieve the effective results. Especially, it is essential to enhance the role of railroad in the public traffic system as well as to develop new cars with high energy efficiency for the GHG reduction of transportation sector. Thus, the calculation method of GHG emission of railroad should be established to manage the emission continuously. In this study, the calculation method of GHG emission of railroad was defined with Tier level considering its emission sources to refer to 2006 IPCC guideline for national GHG inventories. Also, the GHG emission of railroad at Tier 1 level was investigated using the activity data related to the amount of diesel and electricity consumption from 2008 to 2010. As a result, total GHG emission in 2010 was about 2,060 thousands ton CO2e, which have 73% of electricity and 27% of diesel. In future, the plans on the GHG reduction of railroad will be accomplished by the analysis of the detailed trends on the basis of the emission management of Tier 3 level under operating patterns. Therefore, it is important to develop the specific GHG emission factors of railroad in advance.