Water Hammer: Practical Solutions
Nomenclature * The valve * The pump * The booster * Machine inertia * An optimum pump location * The non-return valve (check valve) * Non-return valve as a protection method * The complex system * The separation problem * The non-elastic conduit * The high-point * Fire protection * The plumbing problem * Structural interaction * The open surge tank * The one-way surge tank * The P R V (pressure regulating valve) * The resonance problem * Series pumping * Impact of ocean waves * Compound pipes * Air vessel protection * A hydro-electric example * Expansion loops (lyres) * The dead end * Cooling water systems * Sewage pumps * Appendix 1: Liquid and material properties * Appendix 2: Data file for complex network example * Appendix 3: Water hammer chart * References * Index.