Hardware-Aware Machine Learning: Modeling and Optimization

Recent breakthroughs in Machine Learning (ML) applications, and especially in Deep Learning (DL), have made DL models a key component in almost every modern computing system. The increased popularity of DL applications deployed on a wide-spectrum of platforms (from mobile devices to datacenters) have resulted in a plethora of design challenges related to the constraints introduced by the hardware itself. “What is the latency or energy cost for an inference made by a Deep Neural Network (DNN)?” “Is it possible to predict this latency or energy consumption before a model is even trained?” “If yes, how can machine learners take advantage of these models to design the hardware-optimal DNN for deployment?” From lengthening battery life of mobile devices to reducing the runtime requirements of DL models executing in the cloud, the answers to these questions have drawn significant attention. One cannot optimize what isn't properly modeled. Therefore, it is important to understand the hardware efficiency of DL models during serving for making an inference, before even training the model. This key observation has motivated the use of predictive models to capture the hardware performance or energy efficiency of ML applications. Furthermore, ML practitioners are currently challenged with the task of designing the DNN model, i.e., of tuning the hyper-parameters of the DNN architecture, while optimizing for both accuracy of the DL model and its hardware efficiency. Therefore, state-of-the-art methodologies have proposed hardware-aware hyper-parameter optimization techniques. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive assessment of state-of-the-art work and selected results on the hardware-aware modeling and optimization for ML applications. We also highlight several open questions that are poised to give rise to novel hardware-aware designs in the next few years, as DL applications continue to significantly impact associated hardware systems and platforms.

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