Through the recent advances of the Brazilian nuclear program, the creation of virtual desks allows ergonomic evaluation and thechnique of the same, even before it’s physical implementation, reducing costs and time in addition to allow the virtual training of operators. This project intends to develop a “framework” where the components of a real control desk are available for creating a virtual desk, continuing the project control desk developed at the Laboratorio de Interface Homem Sistema do IEN (LABHIS/IEN). Through the C++ programming language integrated with the OPENGL graphics librabry was possible to create the desk and it’s components, allowing a graphical modeling in 3D (stereo) of a virtual control desk where the operator, with the and of GLUI user interface library, can choose what and where the components are positioned on the bench, and select the type of desk wanted from the pre-defined templates. Finally, with the control desk mounted and configured, enabling a virtual interaction with operators, making possible to reproduce it’s functionalities.